
Colorado State University - Software Engineer

May 2013 - August 2017

Coded new modules for the AgroEcoSystem-Watershed (AgES-W) model, a Java framework for watershed health. Updated the Universal Plant Growth Model (UPGM), a legacy Fortran program, and integrated it into the AgES-W framework. Wrote RESTful Java web services to provide access to large geospatial databases. Wrote a RESTful API for a mobile app to calculate stream quality assessments. Wrote Extract-Transform-Load (ETL) Java web services to build SQL Server databases from static data files. Reviewed students’ code for logic errors and code injection vulnerabilities.

Louisiana State University in Shreveport - Graduate Assistant

September - December 2012

Investigated the effect of statistically normalizing raw datasets on data clustering results. Coded the k-means clustering algorithm, the Rand index validation method, and multiple data normalization methods in Java.


Louisiana State University in Shreveport

MSc, Computer Systems Technology/Computer Science, 2012

Louisiana State University A&M

BA, English Literature; German minor, 2007